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Chakra Basics & Brunch
November 2nd, 9am-12noon

                         Come & Experience the Chakras through your Senses!

    This interactive workshop we will:
         * Explore the unique sound, essence, movement & flavor of each chakra
         * Gain insight of how the chakras interact with your daily decisions & thought patterns  
         *Learn how to recognize imbalances.
Learn ways to realign & maintain harmony with sound, crystals, aromatherapy, nutrition & movement 

    Investment $40, includes:

          *3hr workshop with Reiki Master Nancy Mintzer

          * Information Packets (Printed & Digital)

          * Light Brunch with chakra nourishing food


Muladhara: Root Chakra
I am
I am safe, centered & grounded

Svadhisthana: Sacral Chakra
I Feel
I am creative

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra
I Do
I am strong and confident

Anahata: Heart Chakra
I Love
I am worthy of love

Visuddha: Throat Chakra
I Speak
I hear and speak my truth

Ajna: Third Eye Chakra
I See
I trust my intuition

Sahasrara-Crown Chakra
I Know
I am connected

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